E-journal : Special Issue - III
Chief Editor:Dr. Anil G. Dodewar
Editor:Prof. Akash Bele
Executive Editor:Dr. Radhesham Choudhari
Prof. Naresh Mahajan Prof. Suyog Mankar Published by :UPA Group Publication
In Association with
University Professors’ Association 38, Mitra Nagar, Manewada Cement Road, Nagpur-24. Corporate Office:38, Mitra Nagar, Manewada Cement Road, Nagpur-24.
Publication :The UPA Interdisciplinary e-journal is published Bi-annually.
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UPA National Peer-Reviewed Interdisciplinary e-Journal Published by UPA Group PublicationIn Association withShivramji Moghe Arts, Commerce & Science College Kelapur (Pandharkawada)June - 2020Issue - III (Social Sciences, Commerce, Science, Education, Law & Languages) |
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Editorial Board
Prof. Akash Bele
(Editor, UPA Interdisciplinary e-journal)
Dr. Radhesham Choudhari
(Executive Editor, UPA Interdisciplinary e-journal)
Prof. Naresh Mahajan
(Executive Editor) UPA Interdisciplinary e-journal
Prof. Suyog Mankar
(Executive Editor) UPA Interdisciplinary e-journal
Advisory Board
Dr. Devendra Bhongade
Jivanvikas Mahavidyalaya Devgram, Dist. Nagpur
Dr. Shankar Warhate
Shivramji Moghe Arts, Commerce & Science College Kelapur (Pandharkawada)
Peer-Review Board
Dr. Anup Gumble
Dept. of English
Arts, Commerce & Science College Arvi
Dr. Yogesh Sarode
Dept. of English
Jivanvikas Mahavidyalaya Devgram
Dr. Anant Rindhe
Dept. of History
Yashvant Mahavidylaya Seloo, Wardha
Dr. Arti Padole
Dept. of Social Work
Purushottam Thote Social Work College Nagpur
Prof. Sandip Saraiya
Dept. of English
Samarth Mahavidylaya, Lakhni, Nagpur
Dr. Pravina Nagpurkar
Dept. of Marathi
Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Nagpur
Dr. Anuradha Khade
Head, Dept. of Sociology
Late N. P. Waghaye College, Lakhni
Dr. Mangala Gore
Dept. of History
Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Nagpur
Prof. Amol Mendhe
Dept. of English
P. W. S. College, Nagpur
Dr. Ankush Barmate
Dept. of Geography
Chakrapani Mahavidyalaya, Nagpur
Prof. Parag Bansole
Dept. of Physical Education
Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Nagpur
Dr. Ishwar Wagh
Dept. of Economics
Baburao Tidke Mahavidyalaya, Mouda
NOTE : All research papers have been reviewed by the peer-review committee to check the plagiarism. However, the views expressed in this publication are purely personal judgments of the authors and do not reflect the views of the Journal or the body under whose auspices the journal is published. Hence, the authors themselves shall be responsible for the originality of papers and thoughts contained therein.
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Sr.No. | Name of Contributor | Title of Research Papers |
1 | Sardar Patel Arts & Commerce College, Mohoda | कोरोनाकाळात महिलांपुढे आलेली आव्हाने |
2 | Smt | आँनलाईन शिक्षण आणि ग्रामीण भागातील विद्यार्थी --एक अभ्यास |
3 | ANAND NIKETAN COLLEGE.ANANDWAN.WARORA. | पर्यावरण आणि अर्थव्यवस्था |
4 | Smt.vatsabai Naik Mahila Mahavidyalaya Pusad | कोवीड 19 लॉकडाऊन मध्ये संगीत शिक्षण क्षेत्रातील नवे प्रवाह व नविन दिशा |
5 | Amolakchand Mahavidyalaya, Yavatmal | Sant Namdevanche Vyaktimatva |
6 | Art's, Commerce and Science College, Maregaon | Documentation on Ethnic Plant Species of Digras Region Dist. Yavatmal (M. S.) India |
8 | Shivramji Moghe Arts,Commerce and Science College, Kelapur(Pandharkawada), Dist. Yavatmal - 445302 | |
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11 | Lokmanya Tilak Mahavidyalaya, Wani | E-learning: Significance and Challenges in Higher Education |
12 | Shri. Gajanan Maharaj Mahavidyalaya, Mukutban, Dist. Yavatmal | Web Analytical Tools to Access the Web Sites |
13 | Smt. Salunkabai Raut Arts and Commerce College,Wanoja.Dist-Washim. | Adiwasi Sahitya : Prerna Ani Bhumika |
14 | Vidnyan Mahavidyalaya, Malkapur | PH Metric Studies on Formation Constants of the Complexes of Substituted Thiazine With Some Transition Metal ion in 70% Dioxane-Water. |
15 | Bar. RDIK & NKD College, Badnera Amravati | pH Metric Studies on Formation Constants of the Complexes of substituted Thiazine with Some Transition Metal Ions in 70% Dioxane water |
16 | R.D.I.K & Ny K.D. College, Badnera Rly, Amravati (M.S) India | pH Metric Studies on Formation Constants of the Complexes of Substituted Thiazine with Some Transition Metal Ions in 70% Dioxane-Water |
17 | Smt.Narsamma art commerce and science college kiran nager amravati | |
19 | R.D.I.K & Ny K.D. College, Badnera Rly, Amravati (M.S) India | pH Metric Studies on Formation Constants of the Complexes of Substituted Thiazine with Some Transition Metal Ions in 70% Dioxane-Water |
20 | Vidya Bharati Mahavidyalaya Camp, Amravati | Study of Effects of Non-Partical of ti02 on changing electrical properties of Polyperrole Composites |
21 | Smt.V.N.Mahila Mahavidyalaya Pusad | Manavi Haaq ani Hinsa ek etihasikh Aadhayan |
22 | B.D.P. COLLEGE PARWA | Coronache Bhartatil Sankramaan : Ek Drushtikshep |
23 | Loknayak Bapuji Aney Mahila Mahavidyalaya YAVATMAL | मानवाधिकार व भारतीय महिलां पुढिल आव्हाने - समाजशास्त्रीय अध्ययन |
24 | Smt.V.N.M.M,Pusad | Human rights of women in India |
25 | Ravi Chapke | Corona Covid-19:A Present Scenario ofTreatment |
26 | Shri Vasantrao Naik Arts and Shri Amarsing Naik Commerce College Mangrulpir, Dist.- Washim Maharashtra 444403 | Covid-19: Its Impact on the Various Structures od Social Interrelationship |
27 | Babasaheb Deshmukh Parwekar Mahavidyalaya, Parwa. | Mother - Daughter Relationship in Dattani\'s Plays |
28 | Shri Shivaji College of Agril. Biotechnology, Amravati | Corona : Lockdown Aani Krushi Samasyaa |
29 | Shri Dhabekar Kala Mahavidyalay Khadki Akola Maharashtra | कोविड -19 एक आपदा भी, एक अवसर भी |
30 | SPMTM Arts and commerce college chikhli Dist:buldana | E-commerce sector increased and Investment |
31 | G. S.science, arts and commerce college khamgaon district buldhana -444303 | Covid-19 transforming challanges in to opportunity |
32 | Shivshakti Arts, Commerce College, Babhulgaon | Technology tool\'s to engage students in the classroom for more productive future in the IT era |
33 | Nehru Mahavidyalaya Ner Parsopant Dis.Yevatmal | कोरोना चे भारतीय शेतीवरील परिणाम |
34 | Shivshakti Arts and Commerce College, Babhulgaon | Atmanirbhar Bharat |
35 | Indira Mahavidyalaya Kalamb | Corona vishanu baddalachi mahiti, Ahar, ghyawayachi kalji |
36 | R B Madkholkar Mahavidyalaya Chandgad | A Study of COVID-19 Effect on Unorganized Workers of Belgaum City |
37 | Shri Vasantrao Naik Mahavidyalaya,Dharni | Role of E-Commerce in business |
38 | Lokmanya Tilak Mahavidyalya, Wani | Correlation between environmental pollution indicators and COVID-19 pandemic. A brief study of Maharashtra |
39 | Vidya Bharati Mahavidyalaya, Camp, Amravati | Applications of CO2 Gas Sensing properties of P-type fedoped SnO2 Sensor |
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41 | Applications of CO2 Gas Sensing properties of P-type fedoped SnO2 Sensor | |
42 | Applications of CO2 Gas Sensing properties of P-type fedoped SnO2 Sensor | |
43 | Applications of CO2 Gas Sensing properties of P-type fedoped SnO2 Sensor | |
44 | Applications of CO2 Gas Sensing properties of P-type fedoped SnO2 Sensor | |
45 | Applications of CO2 Gas Sensing properties of P-type fedoped SnO2 Sensor | |
46 | Applications of CO2 Gas Sensing properties of P-type fedoped SnO2 Sensor | |
47 | Shri Vasantrao Naik Mahavidyalaya, Dharni | Creating E-Library using Google Drive |
48 | Shri Vasantrao Naik Mahavidyalaya, Dharni | Impact of Lockdown during Covid-19 Crises on Indian Economy |
49 | Babasaheb Deshmukh Parwekar College, Parwa Ghatanji Dist Yavatmal in Maharastra | CORONA SANKAT ANI TARUNAPUDHIL, SANDHI |
50 | Shri. B. D. Parvekar Mahavidhyalaya, Pandharkawada | Covid-19 : Its Various Effect on Human Life |
51 | Babaji Date Kala ani Wanijya Mahavidyalay,Yavatmal | |
52 | Adarsha science, J. B . Arts and Girls Commerce College, Dhamangaon (Rly) | Static Gas Sensing System |
53 | G. S.Gawande College, Umarkhed | Transforming Challenging into Opportunities during Corona Pandemic: An Analytical Study |
54 | Shivramji Moghe College Kelapur Pandharkawada Dist. Yavatmal | Technological Era in Education |
55 | M.E.S.Arts and Commerce College,Mehkar | Covid-19: challenges and opportunities |
56 | Arts and commerce college ralegao | कोवी ड19 एक सामाजिक समस्या. |
57 | Late Ku. Durga K. Banmeru Science College,Lonar | Role of E-learning Technology in education system during Lockdown |
58 | Yeshwant Mahavidiyala Wardha | COVID 19 Role of Sport& Nutrition,Yoga |
59 | Madhukarrao Pawar Arts College Murtizapur | Corona : Ek Sakaratmak Aavhan |
60 | Late Ku Durga K Banmeru Science College Lonar | Role of E-Learning Technology In Education System During Lockdown |
61 | Manoharbhai Patel College of Arts, Commerce, and Science, Deori | विज्ञानकथा : मराठी साहित्यातील नवे पर्व |
62 | Babasaheb deshmukh patekar mahavidyalaya parwa ya.ghataji dist.yavatmal | civid-19 and opportunities |
63 | Arts and science college Kamargaon Dist- Washim | आंबेडकरी साहित्य व समाज |
64 | LOKMANYA TILAK MAHAVIDYALAYA WANI | कोविड-१९ (साथीचा रोग )सर्व देशभर (किंवा खंडभर)असलेला आंतरराष्ट्रीय संबंध समन्वय |
65 | RDIK College Badnera | PH-Metric Measurement Of Hydroxy Substituted Chalcone With Some Inner Transition Metal Ions At 0.1 M Ionic Strength |
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70 | L.T.M.WANI | मानव अधिकार आणि भारतीय स्त्रियांची स्थिती |
71 | Dr.vivek shinde civil service college bhadrawati | Indian literature and Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar thought |
72 | Govt.Bilasa Girls CollegeBilaspur | Role of ICT in higher education |
73 | Shri Shivaji College of Arts Commerce and Science Akola | Seasonal variationa in physico chemical properties of sonala dam,sonala,dist. Washim |
74 | Vinayak vidnyan mahavidyalaya Nandgaon khandeshwar | Study of acoustic parameters of chloro chalconeimines at different percentage of dioxane+water at 32degree C |
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79 | R.D.I.K.AND K.D. COLLEGE.BADNERA | An Overview of Status On Covid19 During Lockdown In Amravati City Of Maharashtra State |
80 | Arts, Commerce and Science College, Maregaon | Synthesis, Characterisation and Electrical conductivity of VO(IV), Zr(IV) and UO2 Complexes derived from bidentate Schiff base |
81 | Anand Niketan College, Warora Dist. Chandrapur | COVID-19 & It\'s Psychological Effect |
82 | Arts, Commerce College Ralegaon, Dist. Yavatmal | Manvadhikar Ani Bhartatil Sushasan |
83 | Dr. D.Y. Patil School of Engineering and Technology | |
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89 | Nehru Mahavidhyalaya Ner Parsopant Dist Yavatmal | कोविड काळातील कविता आणि भविष्यातील काव्यजाणिवा |
90 | Arts Commerce & Science College Maregaon dist. Yavatmal | Threatens to biodiversity and conservation of biodiversity |
91 | Arts and Commerce College Ralegaon dist Yeotmal | मराठी मातृभाषा आणि शिक्षण |
92 | Arts commerce and science college maregaon | Synthesis of Formazan N-((4-methoxy phenyl)((E)-phenyldiazenyl) methylene)-4-nitroaniline |
93 | Athawale College of Social Work Bhandara | Covid-19 Pandemic Industry and Economics and Use of Social Work Method |
94 | Arts Commerce and Science college Palus | |
95 | SPM Gilani College, Ghatanji | COVID-19 E-COMMERCE AND EMPLOYMENT |
96 | SHREE G.M. COLLEGE, MUKUTBAN | Covid 19- Effects, Challenges & Opportunities |
97 | Babaji Datey Kala Ani Vanijya Mahavidyalaya | Empty Classes and E-Learning in Lockdown |
98 | ARTS AND COMMERCE COLLEGE, BORI ARAB | Covid19 the Novel Panemik |
99 | Shri. Babasaheb Deshmukh Parwekar Mahavidyalaya Pandharkaw | EFFECT OF CORONA VIRUS ON LIABRARY IN LOCKDOWN PERIOD |
100 | Adarsha Science, J.B. Arts & Birla Commerce Mahavidyalaya | कोरोना वायरस कोविड 19 प्रकोप का प्रभाव तथा आत्मनिर्भर भारत अभियान |
101 | Manoharbhai Patel College Sakoli | Concentration effect of Bi on photoluminescence of europium complex |
102 | R. A. College, Washim | तांडा पूर्वकाळ आणि वैशिष्ट्यं |
103 | Z. P. Primary School, Konghara, P. S. Pandharkawada, Dist. Yavatmal | Navvadottar Kadambaritil Striwad : Swarup Ani Vastav |
104 | Babasaheb Deshmukh Parvekar Mahavidhyalaya Pandharkawada Dist. Yavatmal | Effect on agriculture sector of coronavirus in India |
105 | Spm Gilani college Ghatangi | A Study effects of Climatic Change |
106 | SPM Gilani College, Ghatanji | Covid 19 Climate Changes and Environment Changes |
107 | S.M.College Kelapur | Sahityawishwa : Chinta ani Chintan |
108 | Smt. Sindhutai Jadhao Arts and Science college | PSYCHOLOGICAL EFFECT OF COVID-19 |
109 | Chhatrapati Shivaji Night College of Arts and Commerce,SolapurCommerce | संक्रमण काळातील मराठी साहित्य |
110 | CHME Society’s Dr. Moonje Institute of Management & Computer Studies, Nashik. | A Study of Transformational Leadership & Innovative Knowledge Management Practices with Special Reference to Shivaji Maharaj |
111 | Loknayak Bapuji Aney Mahila Mahavidyalay Yavatmal | Covid-19 |
112 | Shree Shahu Mandir Mahavidylay Parvati Pune | Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkarance Muknayak : Charcha Ani Chikitsa |
113 | Shripad Krishna Kolhatkar Mahavidyalaya, Jalgaon Jamod | |
114 | Shi.vasantrao Naik Art comm.sci mahavidhalya Dharni Dis.amravati MS | Yoga in Pandemic use |
115 | M.J.F College Bhatkuli | कारोनोत्तर मराठी साहित्य : काही निरीक्षणे |
116 | Arts,commerce & science college maregaon | Impact of Corona on Indian Economy |
117 | M.S.P.Jr.College,Manora Di.Washim | उच्च शिक्षणातील माहिती संप्रेशन तंत्रज्ञानाचे पैलू |
118 | V.N.Mahila Mahvidyalya Pusad,Dist Yavatmal | डॉ. बाबासाहेब आंबेडकरांचे कामगार चळवळी विषयी मातृत्व |
119 | Zulekha College, Nagpur | |
120 | Indira Mahavidyalaya, Kalamb | Overview of Current Situation of Covid-19 pandemic in Yavatmal District |
122 | Shivramji Moghe Arts, Commerce & Science College, Pandhakawda | |
123 | Brijlal Biyani Science College, Amravati | Silver Lining of Opportunities during the Dark Clouds of Pandemic |
124 | Arts and Commerce College Boriarab | |
125 | Smt.Sindhutai Jadhao Arts & Science College Mehkar | |
126 | Smt Radhabai Sarda Arts Commerce and science College Anjangaon Surji | |
127 | Vinayak Vidnyan Mahavidyala | Impact of e- commerce on india\'s Commerce |
128 | M.M college Darwha | Covid The Pandemic: Hitting the lives |
129 | Ghulam Nabi Azad Arts, Commerce & Science College, Barshitakli Dist. Akola MS | |
130 | Ghulam Nabi Azad Arts, Sci & Com. College Barshitakali Dist. Akola | |
131 | Smt Kesharbai Lahoti Mahavidyalaya, Amravati | |
132 | Lokmanya Tilak Mahavidyalay, Wani | |
133 | Shri. B. D. Parvekar Mahavidhyalaya, Pandharkawada | Environment and Agriculture |
134 | Indira Gandhi Kala Mahavidyalya, Ralegaon Dist. Yavatmal | |
135 | Bharatiya Mahavidhyalaya, Morshi Dist.- Amravati | कोरोनोत्तर सद्दस्थितीचे लोकजीवनातील बदलते संदर्भ : एक दृष्टक्षेप |
136 | shri gurudeo vidyamandir jr. college jawala | ग्रामीण कचऱ्याचे व्यवस्थापन - एक संशोधनात्मक अभ्यास |
137 | Lokmanya tilak mahavidyalay wani | वर्तमान वास्तव व मराठी साहित्य |
138 | Lokmanya Tilak College,Wani | Impact of Covid 19 on Environment and agricultural sector |
139 | Shri Shahu Mandir Mahavidyalya, Parvati, Pune-411009 | |
140 | Shri. Babasaheb Deshmukh parwekar college pandharkawada | यवतमाळ जिल्ह्यातील आदिवासी योजनांचे विश्लेषणात्मक अधयन |
141 | SANT GADGE MAHARAJ ARTS COMMERCE AND SCIENCE MAHAVIDHYALA, WALGAON. | कोविड-१९-वैश्विक महामारीतील भारतासमोरील आव्हान व संधी |
142 | G.S. COLLEGE, KHAMGAON | Photoluminescence properties of Dy3+ doped NaBaBO3 phosphor for WLED applications, synthesized by stearic sol–gel method |
143 | Arts Commerce College Ralegan Dist Yavatmal | |
144 | Late. Mansaram Padole Arts College Ganeshpur Bhandara. | Covid 19 Cha Manvi Drushtikonavar Padlela Prabhav |
145 | Art and commerce college ralegaon dist yeatmal | मराठी मातृभाषा आणि शिक्षण |
146 | Vinayak Vidnyan Mahavidyalaya, Nandgaon (Kh) | |
148 | Arts Commerce & Science College Maregaon Dist. Yavatmal | |
149 | Bar. RDIK and NKD college Badnera Amravati | pH metric Measurements of Hydroxy Substituted Chacone with Some Inner Transition Metal Ions at 0.1M Ionic strength |
150 | Shri. Babasaheb Deshmukh Parwekar Mahavidyalaya, Amravati | डॉ. विजया राजाध्यक्षांच्या कथेतील कौटुंबिक भावबंध आणि विविध नाते |
151 | SHRI R. L. T. COLLEGE OF SCIENCE, AKOLA | Photoluminescence properties of Dy3+ doped NaBaBO3 phosphor for WLED applications, synthesized by stearic sol–gel method |
152 | Shri Babasaheb Deshmukh Parvekar college Pandharkavada Dist Yavatmal | मराठी आदिवासी कविता |
153 | Arts and Commerce College, Bori Arab | |
154 | Late Bapuraoji Wankar arts and commerce college Khairi | |
155 | Abasaheb Parvekar Mahavidyalaya, Yavatmal | कोरोणामुळे ग्रामीण अर्थव्यवस्थेवर होणारे परिणाम व उपाय |
156 | S.P.M.SCIENCE AND GILANI ARTS COMMERCE COLLEGE GHATANJI | Chemotaxonomy of two species of Aplosporell-II |
158 | Smt. Kesharbai Lahoti Mahavidyalaya, Amravati | Digital Marketing : Recent Trends & Ideas |
159 | Shri Dhabeker Atrs college Khadki Akola | Fights against covid 19 pendemic benefits of fittness |
160 | Late Rajkamalji Bharti Arts ,Commerce and Smt. SUSHILABAI R. Bharti Science College, Arni | . |
161 | Shivramji Moghe College, Pandharkawada. | कोविद-19 जागतिक तणावाचे उगमस्थान |
162 | Shri Shivaji Arts & Commerce College, Amravati.(M.S.) | Performance Dependant Inequality in double input Supply Chain through retailer’s information revelation |
163 | Ashok Moharkar College | कोरोना स्थितीचा अभ्यास |
164 | Brijlal Biyani Science College Amravati | |
165 | S.N.T.college, Ramtek | |
167 | Shivramji Moghe College Kelapur Pandharkawada | Nano-Technology - A New horizon for the Development of Architecture |
168 | School Of Scholars, Yavatmal | Satat Vikas Aur Pravasan |
169 | School Of Scholars, Yavatmal | Manviy Adhikaropn Ka Ullanghan |
170 | Shivramji Moghe College Pandharkawada | Impact of Rainfall On Agricultural Productivity In Yavatmal District |
171 | Shivramji Moghe Arts, Commerce and Science College Kelapur(Pandharkawada) District : Yavatmal-445302 | Magnetized Plane Symmetric Universe with Time varying Lamda and Non- linear Equation of State |
172 | L.B.Aney mahila Mahavidyalaya Yavatmal | भाषांतर प्रक्रिया आणि व्याप्ती - एक आकलन |
173 | Shivramji Moghe Arts, Commerce & Science College, Pandharkawada | Covid-19 Pandemic: A Boon for Use of ICT in Higher Education |
174 | Jagadamba Mahavidyalaya, Achalpur | |
175 | Navbharat junior college, Gondkhairi | |
176 | Smt. Kesharbai Lahoti Mahavidyalaya, Amravati | ‘COVID-19 PANDEMIC’: : A CHALLENGE TO MAINTAIN HEALTH AND IMUNITY |
177 | Sant Gadge Maharaj Mahavidyalaya Hingna Dist Nagpur | |
178 | Mahatma Jyotiba Fule Mahavudylaya Amravati | |
179 | Govt.arts college panagar jabalpur | Supply chain management network in E-commerce |
180 | Shivramji Moghe Arts, Commerce and Science College, Pandharkawada Dt. Yavatmal | Rare records of Butterfly and Bird species in covid-19 lockdown in Pandharkawada forest division |
181 | Shivramji Moghe College ,Pandharkawada | Library and Information Centres in E-Learning |
182 | R. S. Bidkar Arts, Commerce & Science College Hinganghat | |
183 | G. S. Science, Arts & Commerce College, Khamgaon | ECONOMICS: TRADE AND CONNECTIVITY IN THE POST-COVID-19 WORLD. |
184 | Shivshakti Arts And Commerce College Babhulgaon | mahititantradnyan v cyber surkshitateche adhyayan |
185 | S. M. College Kelapur (pandharkawada) | E-Commerce and Economic Development. |
187 | Ghulam Nabi Azad Arts, Commerce & Science College, Barshitakli Dist. Akola | MIND PEACE: BUDDHAS THOUGHTS |
188 | Ghulam Nabi Azad College Barshitakli, Dist. Akola. | International Language Profeciency of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar |
189 | Institute Of Science | |
190 | S.M.College kelapur (Pandharkawada) Dist. Yavatmal | |
191 | Shivramji Moghe College, Kelapur (Pkd) | |
192 | Shivramji Moghe Mahavidhyalaya Pandharkawada Dist Yavatmal | Phytoplankton as indicator of pollution in khuni river pandharkawada dist Yavatmal |
193 | Shivramji Moghe Arts,Commerce And Science college Kelapur(Pandharkawada) Dist.Yavatmal | |
194 | Shivramji Moghe Arts,Commerce & Science College. | Synthesis and spectral characteristics of Ce3+activatedalumino-borate Li2AlBO4 |
195 | Indira Mahavidyalaya, Kalamb, Dist. Yavatmal. | ICT: A Technology Support during COVID-19 Pandemic Outbreak (A Literature Review) |
196 | Shivramji Moghe Arts, Commerce and Science College,Kelapur(Pandharkawda) Dist. Yavatmal | |
197 | S P M Science and Gilani Arts Comm College Ghatanji Dist Yavatmal | Ultrasonic study of substituted1phenyl _3_aryl1hpyrazole_4_carboxylic acidin 70%DMF_water mixture |
198 | Shiv ramji Moghe Mahavidyalaya, Kelapur | Korona ani Bhartiya arthvyawastha |
199 | Shivramji Moghe College, Pandharkawada, Dist. Yavatmal. | आंबेडकरी कवितेतील मूल्यजाणिवा |
200 | ART, COMMERCE COLLEGE, RALEGAON | Occupational Stress of Secondary school teachers in relation to Mental Health |
201 | S. M. College, Pandharkawada | Diversity of wild vegetable in kelapur Tahsil |
202 | Shivramji Moghe college kelapur (pandharkawada) | Kovid-19 society impact |
203 | Vidya Bharti Mahavidyalaya, Camp, Amravati. | Critical risk to maintain security in elegant toys |
204 | S.M. College, Kelapur, Dist. Yavatmal | |
205 | Late Pushpadevi Patil arts and science College, Risod Dist. Washim(MS) | |
206 | SGM Art, Commerce & Science College, Walgaon | LOWERING INTEREST RATES, ITS IMPACT ON SOCIETY & ECONOMY |
207 | Shivshakti Arts and Commerce College, Babhulgaon | Covid: The Pandemic |
208 | Shivramji Moghe College Kelapur Pandharkawada | Covid 19 pandemic :Migration : changing social perspective with special reference to Sahgal\'s novels Lesser Breeds and Storm in Chandigarh |
209 | Shivramji moghe college of arts commerce and science Pandharkwda | |
210 | Smt Nankibai Wadhwani Kala Mahavidyalaya Yavatmal | |
211 | Shivramji Moghe College ,Pandharkawada | E-COMMERCE : CATALYSTS AND CATEGORIES |
212 | Seth kesrimal porwal college Kamptee,Nagpur | |
213 | Babaji Datey Kala ani Vanijya Mahavidyalaya Yavatmal | पर्यावरण संरक्षण आणि संवर्धनासाठी वन विभाग महाराष्ट्र शासनाच्या वृक्ष लागवड उपक्रमाचे महत्व |
214 | Kirti polytechnic, Amravati | Adsoption of Zn(II) & Fe(III) icons from synthetic waste water onto chemically activated Banana Pseudostem Carbon |
215 | School of scholars yavatmal | Green Chemistry, Non-Technology Environmental Chemistry & Synthetic Organic Chemistry |
216 | Sharadrao Pawar Arts & Commerce College Gadchandur Dist-Chandrapur | Rastrasantacha Gramgitetil Gramshudhiche Mahatwa -. Ek Adhyan |
217 | Shivramaji moghe college kelapur | कोविड-19 आजार व आहार |
218 | Ghualm Nabi Azad Arts, Commerce &Science College, Barshitakli, Dist-Akola | |
219 | Smt. Radhabai Sarda Arts Commarce and Science college,Anjangaon Surji | |
220 | Arts,Commerce & Science College,Maregaon Dist Yavatmal | COVID-19: A Pandemic,but in Optimistic view, a New Opportunity in Education Sector |
221 | S M.college | Korona kal aani mansik swasth |
222 | Shivramji Moghe Arts, Commerce and Science College, Kelapur( Pandharkawada) Dist. Yavatmal | कोरोनाव्हायरस: संकटास जागतिक प्रतिसादाची प्रतिक्षा |
223 | Shivramji Moghe Arts,Commerce & Science college,Kelapur (Pandharkawada) | Intellectual Property Rights And Biodiversity Conservation |
224 | Shivramji Moghe College Kelapur Pandharkawada | People's Perception & Willingness towards use of Solar Energy |